Hi Guys,
GL Journal Entry screen has one controversial feature - auto balancing of Debit to Credit for the line entered in the grid.
Its like when you enter Debit 100$ then you move to the next line, system auto defaults Credit to be 100$. Well its nice to have but...would be great to be able to switch it off...when needed.
So after some browsing throught the code, just realised, the calculation is hidden into a Method PopulateSubDescr
So, if you do not like DR to be == to CR :) for each line, then just override that method in your customization code with this statment. Well what I did - just removed AI piece of code. So just leave this:
protected override void PopulateSubDescr(PXCache sender, GLTran Row, bool ExternalCall)
GLTran prevTran = null;
foreach (GLTran tran in GLTranModuleBatNbr.Select())
if (Row == tran)
prevTran = tran;
if (prevTran != null)
if (prevTran.SubID != null)
Sub sub = (Sub)PXSelectorAttribute.Select<GLTran.subID>(sender, prevTran);
if (sub != null)
sender.SetValueExt<GLTran.subID>(Row, sub.SubCD);
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetError<GLTran.subID>(sender, Row, null);
Row.TranDesc = prevTran.TranDesc;
Row.RefNbr = prevTran.RefNbr;
Row.TranDesc = BatchModule.Current.Description;
Account account = (Account)PXSelectorAttribute.Select<GLTran.accountID>(sender, Row);
if (account != null && account.CashSubID != null)
Row.SubID = account.CashSubID;
if (account != null && (bool)account.NoSubDetail && glsetup.Current.DefaultSubID != null)
Row.SubID = glsetup.Current.DefaultSubID;
Have a nice Day!
Sergey. :)
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