Hi Guys,
There is a common customization task to add some piece of business logic to a field.
Here is the example of adding verification to a Journal Transaction screen.
In short, for certain Accounts (Expense and Income) I will need to check that user entered Customer or Vendor into Journal Transaction screen. Balance Sheet accounts should be skipped.
Here is how it supposed to look like:
Thanks to a reworked Acumatica API documentation, it was not a Rocket Science to develop a simple piece of code below that covers this logic:
Please take note of:
sender.RaiseExceptionHandling<GLTran.referenceID>(e.Row, row.ReferenceID, new PXSetPropertyException(ErrorMessages.FieldIsEmpty , PXErrorLevel.RowError, typeof(GLTran.referenceID).Name));
That identifies where exactly to show a red cross Error.
All the Best,
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